With a Health Savings Account (HSA), you can set aside tax-free savings to pay for qualified healthcare expenses now and in the future. Contributions to the HSA can be made through direct deposit or check deposit and your funds roll over from year to year—no need to worry about using up the balance by year-end.
Open an Account


With a Health Savings Account (HSA), you can set aside tax-free savings to pay for qualified healthcare expenses now and in the future. Contributions to the HSA can be made through direct deposit or check deposit and your funds roll over from year to year—no need to worry about using up the balance by year-end.
Open an Account

HSA Requirements

  • Maximum out-of-pocket expenses for individual is $8,0501
  • Maximum out-of-pocket expenses for family coverage is $16,1001
  • Must have High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) to be eligible for an HSA Account
  • Individuals must have a deductible of $1,6001 and families must have a deductible of $3,2001

Ready to get started?

Open an Account





Affordable health care options from City Bank

Learn more about the City Bank HSA and how it can benefit you and your family by calling City Bank at 1-800-OUR-BANK

1Contributions and out of pocket expenses are subject to annual adjustments by the Internal Revenue Service. 2All fees subject to sales tax in New Mexico.