We think it’s much easier to manage your money when it’s all in one place. No-fee or low-fee accounts and generous rates from City Bank help you get the most for your hard-earned money while offering the protection you need. We can help you choose the perfect savings tool to consistently save for special purchases or unexpected expenses. Get premium interest and ready access to your cash with this streamlined savings account. You also reap the benefits of:
$300 minimum deposit to open
Interest compounded every quarter and credited to your account
If the balance falls below $300 a $10 service charge1 each statement cycle will be implemented.
Electronic Statements (E-Statements) are offered at no cost to you. A $5 fee1 per statement cycle will be applied for receiving paper statements.
Want Checking and Savings combined?
If you routinely carry a larger balance in your checking account ($1,500 or higher), ask us about our City Bank Money Market account. It’s a simple way for you to earn interest on larger balances in an FDIC-backed account while allowing limited check writing, tiered interest rates and quick access to your money whenever you need it.
Open a City Bank Savings Account today.
Reach your financial goals faster when you make the decision to bank with City Bank. Call 800-OUR-BANK or stop by your local City Bank branch location for current interest rates.
Ready to get started?
1All fees subject to sales tax in New Mexico.